Springtime, Wonka, and Shakespeare
The rabbit drawings have been inspired by a wild rabbit that has been visiting our yard on warmer days. Looking back at the rabbit from last week, I decided that the rabbit reminded me of Willy Wonka. I like the new movies with Johnny Depp and Timothée Chalamet, but the best Willy Wonka is Gene Wilder. No one has captured the whimsy and spark of the character like he did.
“In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.”
One of the short songs from the 1971 movie Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is about springtime. The lyrics are from "As You Like It" (Act 5, Scene 3, Lines 17–19) by William Shakespeare, which celebrates the joy of spring as a time of love and renewal.
Regardless of whether you are in the northern hemisphere or not, with spring approaching, I hope that you find time for joy and renewal in the days ahead.
Be kind to yourself on your creative journey.
PS: Thanks to all of those who voted in last week’s poll. It was once again unanimous that drawing and sketching tutorials and downloadable extras would be a good paid membership perk. I will be working on adding these elements in the coming weeks.
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