Apple held its iPhone 16 Event on Monday (September 9, 2024). They announced the new Apple Watch Series 10, the AirPod 4, the iPhone 16, and the iPhone 16 Pro. AI was mentioned in the form of Apple Intelligence, but the product hardware and features were the focus of the event.
Sketchnote Design
The new prerecorded Apple events move at a rapid pace without many breaks, so I have to focus on writing down the points I want to capture first. I ignore some of the geekier specs to focus on new features and capabilities.
While I’m writing, I start thinking about the layout of the text, like one column or two columns. If an idea for a drawing comes to mind, I jot down a simple word to remind me and leave the space I think the drawing will take empty.
The bee and the apple were supposed to have the words "macro photography" under them to call out the iPhone 16 and 16 Pro gaining better macro capabilities, but I forgot.
Warm up Drawings and Repurposing Illustrations
I did think about using the bee and apple for a t-shirt design, but I’m still not sure the design is quite there. One of the cool things about using Concepts for my sketchnotes is that everything is vector. I can resize things smaller, larger, or even change the brush I used.
I knew that Apple Intelligence would be mentioned, so of course I thought about drawing a robot. These are my warm-up sketches before the event in my sketchbook. Sadly, this duo did not make it into the final sketchnote.
Be kind to yourself on your creative journey.
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You made it to the end of the newsletter. Since robots were on my mind, here is a video of robots rocking out. Well, maybe not robots rocking, but Daft Punk performing Robot Rock. 🤖 😊
Your Infographics of Apple event is what made me fall in love with your creations
Great stuff. Really looking forward to taking the camera control button for a spin 📸